Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Light

There is a new light in my life now. I was in the wilderness for a moment. I was too afraid, insecure and worried to death about my life. Life is really complicated and being gay is even more complicated. I do not know what I want. Whether he is a man? or a boy? I have no idea. I do not know whether I will be with him for 1 year or 3 years or 10 years. But I could try. Life is all about trying new things. Though gay people know that eventually they would break up, then why get into relationships? Strange! We all have innate urges and certain forces that can't be explain. Just like Love which is the force of nature. I had Anuar for 3 years but eventually broke up, then Kenny for 1.3 years and broke up. Sigh. I hope things go well now for me and my little baby boy. I really would like to know him more. It would take a long period of time. Just let time and nature decide for us both.


Joaquin missing his Sweet Apple Pie ;)


Jayson said...

Every single second with you is a perfect state of existence.

Joaquin Syed Vishnu said...

I melts!! ;p